Our Added Value

As a small company, we don’t farm out the work to junior resources. When a client contracts with InsideOut, the principal consultant is directly responsible for the end result.

We have the capacity to undertake and manage a diverse range of projects – from short research scans on a single program area to complex multi-year initiatives involving multiple stakeholders.
“Integrity, curiosity, positivity and a commitment to excellence
underpin everything InsideOut does.”

Direct Government and Not-for-Profit Experience
Most of the InsideOut network, including Dr. Tracy Byrne, have worked in government and/or the nonprofit sector and have an experiential understanding of the strengths and challenges of these environments. We also have an excellent understanding of the multifaceted, crosscutting issues and priorities facing the sectors.

An Engaged Partner
Integrity, curiosity, positivity and a commitment to excellence underpin everything InsideOut does. We see ourselves as a supportive asset to our clients rather than an outside expert. We are responsive and respectful, and strongly motivated to support our clients’ success in a context of mutual learning and capacity building.